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Sometimes, I just enjoy doing a portrait and play around with imaginary light sources (in this case, the moon and stars). I will never tire of illustrating children and babies…their eyes and faces convey such innocence and wonder.

Spot of tea anyone?

Spot of tea anyone?

“Hatter and Hare” (my second ‘Alice In Wonderland’ illustration)

“Fionna’s Song”…a tribute to Spring!

Inspired by my original poem, “Fionna’s Song.”

“Fionna’s Song” (work-in-progress)

I am nearing completion on an impromptu illustration to accompany a new, original poem I have written. The air is warm, flowers are in bloom and I am ready to enjoy my favorite season of the year…spring!

“Magical Mushy Mushroom”…

Sometimes, a mushroom is the best place for love…