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I have made some adjustments and will be setting my new watercolor illustration aside to let it “rest”.  Like so many other paintings, I just need more time to let it speak to me.

“Midnight Mischief”… W.I.P.


I am nearing the end on one of my custom illustrations for an artistic collaboration with Blackberry Designs, a handmade heirloom quality jewelry line by artist, Dea Shelton.  We are working on an “Enchanted Wizard” series of charm bracelets, necklaces and earrings.  Pictures to come!

“Tea For Two”…a work-in-progress


Despite my already full rotation of illustrations; I added this impromptu painting to “play”.  Sometimes, the most random and quickest ideas turn into something magical.  I am feeling a poem writing itself already…

Getting closer.


Adding the finishing touches to my spring fae.  Falling in love with watercolor all over again this morning.

Let there be light…


I am wrapping-up my “Joyful” illustration using my new and amazing drafting table light.  I cannot believe the difference a quality light makes!  My old lamp was broken, was propped-up by a wire, a ribbon and kept falling onto my work….and smack me on the head while I was painting.
Let there be light!